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Follow Up / Foundational Studies 


ONE 2 ONE, written by Steve Murrell, discusses in simple language the basic  foundations of following Jesus. It is a practical walk-through to help new believers take “baby steps” in their new-found relationship with God.


Free software app you can download onto your smart phone.  Short but concise, perfect for those who are pressed for time but need a quick overview.  

Gospel of john

Gospel of John study, written by Dr. Waylon Moore, is a good introduction to interpreting, learning and applying God's word.  The 6 sessions study looks at who Jesus is, the abundant life He gives, and what it means to follow Jesus.  


A good teaching tool for new believers on biblical foundations as well as bible study skills.  Great for those using the bible for the first time.

My First steps

A series of 20 studies showing the first essential steps in following Jesus and how to establish a solid foundation for your Christian life.  It is part of the Omega discipleship Series written by Ian Malins.


A comprehensive study suitable for those who can commit to meeting weekly or fortnightly over 3-6 months.  Great tool for one on one or small group discipleship.     

Or pick and choose  individual lessons to supplement other studies you are doing. 

Discipleship 1 , 2 , 3

Discipleship 1,2 and 3 are three books designed to help Christians glorify Jesus Christ and equip them to disciple others! It can be used for Personal Study, New Christian Follow-Up, One on One Discipleship, Small Group Discipleship or Training Seminars.  The studies are co-ordinated by Kenson Kuba, from Campus Crusades for Christ International. 


A thorough guide for someone who wants to build a solid foundation in Christ.  


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